Friday, May 31, 2013

What Interior Design is NOT

When most people hear the words interior design they think fun. They do not think beyond what they see in front of them. They can see a carpeted floor and think the only reason it was put there was because it looks good. As everyone knows, though, looks can be deceiving, because an interior designer will see that flooring material for its real use. When an interior Designer walks into a space they will see a non-slip flooring tile in an entry way or carpeting that is being used to muffle sounds of footsteps in an open plan. Since Interior Designers see into so many of these little details it becomes really frustrating to hear peopole say that all interior design is about is decorating a space with colors that are in and light fixtures that are fancy.

What is Interior Design Really

When I hear the words interior design the first thing that comes to my mind is creativity. Interior Design is about being able to take a blank sheet and make a safe and healthy interior enviroment that is pleasing to everyone that will be utilizing the space. Most people just see the aesthetics in a room and have no understanding of the thought process that went above and beyond simple decoration. There is always a reason to why office, school buildings, houses, restaurants and any other interior space is laid out a certain way and why certain materials are used in those spaces. Those reasons are usually for safety and consideration of people both young and old.